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Lighroom 5 "loses" 1:1 previews

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Had this problem for a while and thought I'd run it past the forum.

I always build my 1:1 previews on import, but LR seems to lose track of some of them over time and has to rebuild. It's not down to a discard preference, I don't have that set.

Any thoughts?

Additionally, deliberately discarding 1:1 previews doesn't seem to work. It doesn't actually reduce the size of the calatogue data file by much.

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2 hours ago, Matt Limb said:

LR in my understanding only 'keeps' 1:1 preview for a period of time to prevent the files from becoming massive and then issues with backing up.


It is not unusual to have to rebuild previews on older collections.




There's a setting to discard previews after a certain time but I have it set to "never".

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