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Hi - I am a bit confused over captions i.e., I have an image i.e., of Bluebell Woods which clearly shows in the title and is saved as such.  For some reason when I it is showing up on a search as Ravensbourne College.


Another image of Ravensbourne is showing up as Venetia, again is clearly captioned and saved as Ravensbourne, no matter what I've tried nothing changes.  I've made sure not to check them at the same time when working on them.


Hoping someone can point me in the right direction here.  Also some of my images are under the name Carol J Saunders, I'm guessing/hoping this is ok as opposed to Carol Saunders which some of them are ?





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Carol, if you made changes to an image then didn't deselect it AIM, when you selected another image it would change the caption in the first image to the caption you put in the second image.  Once you have made changes to an image and saved, be sure to deselect that image before selecting another one.  This may be what happened to you if it isn't the update.



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