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I've a horrible feeling that I know the answer to this problem - the transmission cables under the oceans from eight time-zones away cause delays. Here goes.

When I FTP 20 files to Alamy, about nine of them fail to upload. There is a red text message saying that it timed out.

I wouldn't mind so much if there was some way to know which files had failed, because I could just resend them.

Yesterday, I tried watching the green progress bar, noting the name which was nearest to 100%.

Immediately the file reached 100% I checked if it had failed or succeeded, and wrote down the ones that failed. Then I re-sent the failed ones.

The method works, but I have to keep alert, because my mind wanders when what I am watching is as exciting as watching the grass grow.

Is there some way to get a list of files that timed out. Perhaps there is some way to set up Filezilla to allow more time before timing out?


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