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Curious about supertags

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I'm a new contributor to Alamy and Ive got a query about supertags. From what Ive read, it's suggested that your most important keywords should be included as supertags. Theoretically, these particular words would be given more weighting in search results. Ive also read some people on the forums commenting that supertags may have the opposite effect, pushing the image or images down to a lower level in search results. Just wondering what different peoples' experiences are with supertags in relation to searches used to find their images? I currently have my first three images approved but before I tag them, I want to read other's thoughts about supertags. 

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You're going back to some old threads Patrick.  Supertags did not work as advertised for a long time (was it 5 months?) after alamy made changes to the search engine and instituted AIM at about the same time in December of last year.  All sorted now.  I suggest you maximize views by going for 10 supertags for each image.

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Ah great to hear that the issue has now been fixed. Yea I do admit to reading through some old threads. Another thing that was noted in those threads was that captions seemed to have more weighting in search results than supertags and regular tags. Is that still the case?

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After redoing all my captions over those 5 months, regrettably, no.

I found captions had the highest impact on search results, before, but no longer.

Still, having the right keyword in the caption, and supertag, and regular tag does seem to help.

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