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Sale reporting period query

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So I started with Alamy on the 01/01/17 and made my first reported sale two days ago on 30/03/17 of photo HGBFXM yet there was a reported finding of this photo in the February found an image discussion http://discussion.alamy.com/index.php?/topic/6982-have-you-found-any-alamy-photos-february-2017/page-11 from the Sunday Times on the 19/02/17.


The details given from the sale on 30/03/17 were: 


Country: United Kingdom
Usage: Editorial
Media: Newspaper - national
Print run: up to 2 million
Placement: Inside and online
Image Size: 1/4 page
Start: 01 February 2017
End: 02 February 2017
Any placement in paper and online. One use in a single editorial article used within the print and digital versions of a single publication. Digital usage includes archive rights for the lifetime of the article


Which would match with the detail of the use in the Sunday Times from February, so is this just a late reporting of that usage? (The article and doctored image can be found: http://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/the-google-express-for-crewe-is-leaving-from-platform-2-jvts8kg7f).


As a spin of to that question, when on my photograph's page I fill in the details as given above as if I were purchasing it and it states a price of £140 and Alamy is on a 50/50 profit share, so why/how was my reported sale of $11.93 - not sure I understand the pricing!

Thank you for your help - I would just like to know where it was used. Thank you also to Bryan for posting in February's discussion.

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As to price - you have probably entered the UK newspaper scheme - a self-reporting and open opportunity for newspapers in the UK. A pool with cheap prices. For some newspapers the reporting of the sale can take up to three months. If not reported by then many contact Contributor Service - if they are aware of the use. This is the true value of "Have you found any Alamy images ...".


If not the newspaper scheme, bulk discounts can occur.


You can leave the newspaper scheme if you want to.


Your fellow countrymen can tell you more.

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As to price - you have probably entered the UK newspaper scheme - a self-reporting and open opportunity for newspapers in the UK. A pool with cheap prices. For some newspapers the reporting of the sale can take up to three months. If not reported by then many contact Contributor Service - if they are aware of the use. This is the true value of "Have you found any Alamy images ...".


If not the newspaper scheme, bulk discounts can occur.


You can leave the newspaper scheme if you want to.


Your fellow countrymen can tell you more.

Ahh okay thank you! I don't mind in honesty. $12 is fine really I was just confused why I couldn't get it to equal that. And indeed it is, I thank Byran again for this as otherwise I wouldn't have had a clue! It seems a little bit dodgy that they can use it and 3 months later you have to find it yourself if they haven't reported it but there we are.

Thank you.

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