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Alamy Measures question

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When I go to Alamy measures and search for a certain term for certain dates I expected to see a list of all the search terms used by images searchers that included the word I searched for but it seems that it doesn't work like that.  For example, I selected the dates 02/22/2017 to 02/26/2017, the search term I used was "Yangon".  the results were:
yangon burma

yangon burma view

yangon commuters

yangon commuters bus

yangon, bus

yangon, bus, traffic

yangon, traffic


OK, all good but then I searched for "burma" for the same dates and I was expecting to see the results from above that included the word "burma" plus others but  instead I only got this:

burma dawn


do you only get a result if the first word matches the search term you used? 




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