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Weird Search Result

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I have just been reviewing Alamy Measures ("Your Images") for yesterday (7th December) and saw that I have an image view from the search Rural family in Bolivia OR Paraguya [sic].


Since I have never been to South America I was a little intrigued. This is the image of mine, taken in Germany, that came up:




"Rural" and "family" are amongst my keywords, but not Bolivia or Paraguya. When I search the whole of Alamy using this phrase, mine is the fifth out of 22,145 images, and the results come from all over the world.


I think the searcher probably wanted Rural AND family AND (Bolivia OR Paraguya) [26 results], but I cannot actually replicate what Alamy's search engine has done:


Rural AND family OR (Bolivia OR Paraguya) returns 1.7 million images


(Rural family) OR Bolivia OR Paraguya: 95,000 images


(Rural family in) OR Bolivia OR Paraguya: 70,000 images


(Rural family) OR (Bolivia AND Paraguya): 46,000


Anyone have any ideas?


Many thanks,




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