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How do I upload Pics

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Good Afternoon

I am at a loss to understand how I upload any pictures, perhaps it's my age or I live in the Bristol U.K.  that is the problem, but it does not seem obvious to me.

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To upload to Alamy it's all in the contrib section.




and nothing wrong with Bristol, FYI one of the very top stock photographers was born there........ doesn't live there any more though..... :)



So where do you live now Geoff?



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Not me either! But I still love Bristol, UK and Bristol, TN too. Bristol, CT isn't so bad either. Bristol, PA - a classy suburb in Bucks County - is too rich for my blood.


I should add that Alamy is a great way to learn the basics of professional photography for reproduction - they're tough, offer clear explanations, and won't hold all that much against you if you goof up.


Good luck with your uploads, we're cheering for you.

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