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Hi Friends,

I am confuse on model release part in my most of the landscape imagery there are people mostly back side or very tiny and more than 20-30.

I am confuse about the model release, if we still need a release when we can not recognise the face of the person, kindly help.

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I think that the rule is that if you can work out who the person is from clothing or another distinctive feature then you need a release.  To cover yourself, just list it as containing lots of people without a release and leave it to the user to decide whether they need a release.  Obviously you can't make it RF if that's the case.

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Hi Dinesh - you do not need model releases if you are putting them up for sale as editorial images , licensed as RM; but you do need to state the number of people in the image even if they are not recognisable or only part of the person is in the image.


If you have put them on as RF, then you must have a model release for each and every person or part of a person in the image. 



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