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Pricing of photographs

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There's a very interesting article in Friday's edition of The Guardian - 'The End of Capitalism has Begun'.


It's long, but well worth the read.


In the middle of it is this paragraph ...


"Information goods are freely replicable. Once a thing is made, it can be copied/pasted infinitely. A music track or the giant database you use to build an airliner has a production cost; but its cost of reproduction falls towards zero. Therefore, if the normal price mechanism of capitalism prevails over time, its price will fall towards zero, too."


Substitute "A photograph" for "A music track or the giant database you use to build an airliner ..." and what do you get?


Something for us photographers to think about?

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Yes, definitely lots to think about for anyone producing "information" of any kind.


However, while capitalism has created great wealth, it has also produced huge inequality. Obviously, things have to change. Not sure about being "utopian," though. Weren't both capitalism and communism supposed to create utopias?

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