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I know this is a bit last century, literally, but I am trying to identify a film type. It is transparency and all I can find on the film are the numbers 453 and ISO 100. It seems to have the same problem scanning as Kodakchrome. I have looked at the Kodak film codes list and it is not on them. Does anyone have any idea what it could be ?  I have a lot of it to scan and it may help if I could find out the film type.  It also has the date stamped on the back of the plastic slide mount.


Any help would be appreciated




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Hello Mark 


thank you very much for your offer of help I have created a jpeg of the slide mounts and the slides but I can't see a way to upload it here without putting it onto a web page first.  Could you email me your email and I'll send you the jpeg to have a look at. It could be very helpful to me.  regards  Paul   my email is Paul@glendell.co.uk  



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