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Keywords: comma separation disappears on LR exported pics

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I export images to upload from my Lightroom catalogue, which creates a comma-separated list of keywords in the pic's IPTC metadata.

After upload to Alamy, the comma separation is gone, i.e. a list of originally 2 keywords (e.g. "many people, blue sky") turns into 4 separate keywords ("many people blue sky").

Is there any trick to retain the "true" comma-separated keyword list ?

Maybe some option I have to check in Alamy ? or an export parameter on Lightroom ?

I work with a number of agencies and newspapers where I use the same LR export settings but don't have any issues there.



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erik - in Lightroom type in the quotes that you want to appear in Alamy. So, using your example, enter the keywords in LR as "many people", "blue sky" and they'll appear like that in Alamy.





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Does putting them in quotes actually make any difference? The last time I looked, "blue sky", "many people" could still turn up in a (hypothetical) search for "blue people" - but ever since I started they've said that would 'hold together' a keyword phrase, but it hasn't actually been so, even though they will probably fare better on a search for 'blue sky' than blue people, everything else being equal (which it isn't in this case, as I suppose 'blue sky' has both more files and more searches than 'blue people'.

However, should they ever decide to implement it, when you have 10,000 files, it would be daunting to have to go back and redo all your keyword phrases.

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