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how to stop Adobe Cloud interruptions?

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using Photoshop 2024;
never ever, now or past, used Cloud in any way;
how to stop Cloud update notices?
how to stop Cloud temp folders appearing?
how to stop Cloud appearing as a new file choice?
how to stop being asked if I want to save file to Cloud?
etc etc etc ad nauseam...
does deleting Cloud references cause unintended consequences?
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You haven't said whether you are on Windows or Mac.  I know nothing about Mac but if you are Windows try this... 


Go to 'Edit....Preferences...File Handling'  Go to 'Default File Location'...  it's probably set to 'Creative Cloud'.  If so change it to 'On your computer'.  (This might be the same on Mac).


If that doesn't work download and install CCleaner (ccleaner.com - it's free).   From the menu select 'Tools' then 'Start Up' which will take you to a (long!) list of stuff that is loaded on start-up.  Select anything with Adobe in the title and Disable (don't delete) them with the button at top right.  Obviously you will have to re-start the computer for it to take effect.


I've done all this on my computer and not noticed any unintended consequences, and I don't get the annoying notices.



Edited by Vincent Lowe
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Some more Preferences.


Help > Updates = Creative Cloud Desktop. (There may be other ways to get there.)

Creative Cloud Desktop > Click the colored dot next  to the cloud icon in the upper right hand corner. If you hover, it says Account. > Preferences > Settings > Disable Launch Creative Cloud at Login.

Then > Notifications > select which boxes to tick / clear.



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7 minutes ago, wiskerke said:

Some more Preferences.


Help > Updates = Creative Cloud Desktop. (There may be other ways to get there.)

Creative Cloud Desktop > Click the colored dot next  to the cloud icon in the upper right hand corner. If you hover, it says Account. > Preferences > Settings > Disable Launch Creative Cloud at Login.

Then > Notifications > select which boxes to tick / clear.




I'm not sure about this.  I haven't touched any of the options in the Creative Cloud Desktop - Syncing is turned on but Cloud Storage says 0% so I'm not uploading anything to the Cloud.  The Creative Cloud Desktop app loads at Start-Up even though it's supposedly disabled with CCleaner (Adobe seem to play by their own rules at times...!).  I'm happy with this as I get notification of program updates but I don't get any annoying messages while in Photoshop.

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1 hour ago, Vincent Lowe said:


I'm not sure about this.  I haven't touched any of the options in the Creative Cloud Desktop - Syncing is turned on but Cloud Storage says 0% so I'm not uploading anything to the Cloud.  The Creative Cloud Desktop app loads at Start-Up even though it's supposedly disabled with CCleaner (Adobe seem to play by their own rules at times...!).  I'm happy with this as I get notification of program updates but I don't get any annoying messages while in Photoshop.

Yes, I don't know either, but after a while (and after losing some files to the cloud) I liked all the wonderful free extras just as much as Jeff, so I disabled all that I could find.

I seem to remember there was some more, but if there was, it has now disappeared from my workspace.

It's probably different for people working from their phones or iPads.




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