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Alamy forum - we want your feedback

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Hi all,


We’re looking to improve and make future use of the Alamy forum more efficient and relevant. We’d like to hear from you, as the everyday users of the forum, about your thoughts and comments.


If you have any feedback on the below questions, please email contributors@alamy.com your responses so we can gather opinions and feelings of the way in which the Alamy forum should run in the future.


In the meantime, we’ve set up a ‘Help’ section, in which new, or existing contributors can find links and quick help to any questions they have. Including links to the contributor help pages, contract and FAQs. Should anyone ask a question that can be found within the ‘Help’ section – the user can  be directed to this area.


Please answer the below questions in as much detail as you can.

1.      How often do you use the forum?

2.      Why do you use the forum? (i.e. to ask questions, to chat with other Alamy contributors about their experiences etc.)

3.      Which section of the forum do you participate in the most?

4.      How do you think Alamy could improve the forum? (i.e. stepping in and answering questions, closing down threads once a question has been answered etc.)

5.      Any general thoughts and comments on the forum.


Please email your answers to contributors@alamy.com by 29th July. We’ll then review these and update you all. Feedback sent to the CR inbox will not be shared with anyone else.


We’ll be locking this thread as all comments and thoughts should be sent via email, rather than discussing on this thread.




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