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Greetings from Brazil!


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Hi Graziella,

Welcome! Regarding your questions, can I suggest you read through some of the posts in this thread - they should all be answered here:



I will make one comment though - the internet does NOT need more cat pictures 😉 (it's a bit of a cliche over here!) They won't sell well, there's too many of them and no demand.


Good luck,


Edited by Steve F
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Welcome, Graziella. Don't forget that Alamy is primarily an editorial agency. Just about anything can license here, but in order to make regular sales you need to think about subjects that could be used to illustrate articles in magazines, newspapers, books, etc. Look for subjects that you have unique access to in your area. I would echo what Steve said about cat pictures. Also, a lot of people are eating less meat these days for a number of reasons, so images of big hunks of meat probably won't do well. Your images of poke bowls and healthy looking fruits and vegetables will probably stand a better chance of selling.


Boa sorte.

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Thank you Steve and John for your feedback!

I will look for some subjects more singular around me.

About cats pictures, these are my best seller pictures 🤣 and the shoot of lots of meat were for a specific creative briefing asking for Brazilian  barbecue shots 😉

Anyway, I'm still learning what to shoot and how this market work. Thank you very much for all advice!



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1 hour ago, graziegranata said:

Thank you Steve and John for your feedback!

I will look for some subjects more singular around me.

About cats pictures, these are my best seller pictures 🤣 and the shoot of lots of meat were for a specific creative briefing asking for Brazilian  barbecue shots 😉

Anyway, I'm still learning what to shoot and how this market work. Thank you very much for all advice!




Wow, good luck, there's 1.2 million cat pictures on Alamy! 🙃



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9 minutes ago, Steve F said:


Yikes! Glad I'm not the one who has to change the Alamy litter box. 😹

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