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Upload error



Hi everyone, 


I am trying to upload images to Alamy. Wondering if anyone else is having problems with the Alamy server? I can upload to other servers fine.





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5 answers to this question

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I've just contacted Alamy by e-mail and got a very quick response:-


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for what it's worth, I noticed upload time considerably slows down sometimes.   Image(s) seem to be stuck & progress bar moves very slowly - but it eventually goes through if you wait long enough.  It might be related to some change in upload checksum algorithm, or how busy server is i.e. how many people uploading at the same time.  I never experience this on other agencies so it can't be on my side.

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I had trouble using FTP, but then uploaded via the website and it worked well but slowly. Maybe I got too used to the speed of FTP. I've been exchanging emails with Alamy about it.

The QC process went without a hitch.

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Thank you for your feedback. I am traveling a lot so perhaps the Alamy server has had some maintenance at the time of my upload. I noticed the upload to the server was quicker when I was in the UK. One other agency I use has servers dedicated for the regions you are in and it is quicker. It all works fine now so thank you for looking into this and for the email for the future.

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