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Views not adding up in Alamy measures

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Can't find how to delete post - any help?


I've noticed that Alamy measures shows total views for me as 423, but when I click to my(Your) images it only shows 223. I left it a couple of days to see if it would update, but no change (except total views increased by one).

Is this normal? I had thought this could be down to a photographer with same name, but seems unlikely after a search. Not a big concern, just wondering.

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I don't think you can delete a post unless you ask Alamy do do it for you. Most members  who regret posting something simply edit it and put 'Deleted' or similar.


Your total views in Alamy measures shows the total for the year in the front page summary. However when you go into the detail report the date range defaults to one month. You can adjust the date range to look at different periods. I suspect this is where your discrepancy is arising.

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