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Meaning of Statement by Alamy below

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I was puzzled by this statement below, where comments are not permitted (Sorry about the double-quote. Not intentional. Can't amend)


Alamy announce that current CEO Andy Harding will leave the business by mutual consent.  Alamy Chairman, James West will resume accountability as CEO with immediate effect.


James West commented “We would like to thank Andy for his significant contribution to the business since his arrival last year and we wish him every success in his future endeavours.”


I have not seen anything posted by the now departed CEO and wonder what is behind this.

I am constantly being asked to fill in a questionnaire and I really do not have much to say other than with 145 million images available for sale the prime consideration for me is an increase of the customer base world wide so that those of us who have a decent number of images available on Alamy get a higher ratio of sales to total uploaded. I am not convinced that the addition of millions of extra images, many of which are probably just repeats of what is already available, will do anything other than making selection more complicated for buyers. Filling any gaps and increase active buyers would seem to me to be the way forward.

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