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John Richmond

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  1. John Richmond's post in Two flowers/shrubs from Shenandoah National Park was marked as the answer   
    Sambucus canadensis is certainly listed in the National Parks database for Shenandoah so you could well be right on #2.
    #1 I can't help with though something about it looks familiar.  It may come to me later.
    Later:  I thought the flowers looked familiar.  It's a milkweed, Asclepias sp.  A. exaltata looks like it might fit the bill and that's also listed at Shenandoah.
  2. John Richmond's post in Botanist support please? was marked as the answer   
    From top corner going clockwise round the violets:
    Wood sage, Teucrium scorodonia
    Cleavers, Galium aparine
    Common sorrel, Rumex acetosa
    Ivy, Hedera helix
    Bramble, Rubus fructicosus agg.
    Bottom left corner 
    Navelwort, Umbilicus rupestris
    Without examining the plants I could be wrong but these are educated guesses.
  3. John Richmond's post in Flower / plant ID was marked as the answer   
    Sorry Mark, I thought it was more recent.  If it's May it will be spring squill, Scilla verna.  They're very similar, grow in the same habitats, but they do flower at different ends of summer.
  4. John Richmond's post in Plant ID was marked as the answer   
    Loooks like Cochlearia officinalis - common scurvy grass.
  5. John Richmond's post in Lichen and Fern ID was marked as the answer   
    The fern is easy enough - it's Maidenhair spleenwort, Asplenium trichomanes.
    The lichen is another matter as there are a few fructicose species that have that appearence.  I don't think it's an Usnea but that's as far as I can go.  I should have studied them while I had the chance 😊
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