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Just wondering how many of you are signed up to the Newspaper Scheme?

I have been receiving good sales but tiny fees and have just opted out but I'm wondering if the clients will still see the images that are not in the subscription.


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I'm out, partially because of low fees and partially because images in online newspapers are likely to get widely pirated, which I don't take kindly to.  As a result, I get very few newspaper sales but, when I do, the fees are not bad, presumably because they go through the "normal" channels.  The latest was in December and the fee was $48-odd.  


I have no idea whether images by photographers that are not in the scheme are seen when newspapers do their searches but I seem to remember someone on the forum saying that they thought not. 

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I am still considering what to do with the newspaper scheme, as I am not sure the ratio extra sales/price per sale is worth it...


And as Chris said the articles are pirated! One of my pictures was published in the Guardian for the last Euro (football competition) and was pirated by at least 3 sources...

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I'm pretty torn, US$5.00 isn't much for anything, especially when you consider by the times the fees are covered, it's more like US $1.00.  On the other hand, it's twice what Getty was offering on all their image sales, and Alamy does bring in a lot of sales that net int he US $35 - US $75 range, so I don't mind it too much.

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