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How do I increase the discoveravility of my photos?

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I uploaded my first three photos, all were accepted. I added my tags. All of the the tags I added were very relevant and useful. I thought if I was a costumer I would probably have those tags in my search. But the bar at the top says it has low discoverer, I had just about the minimum for it to sell. So I tried to squeeze out a few more, they barley affected the discoverability. I eventually added around 30 more tags, and my discoverability is still relatively low. I think some tags count more towards the discoverability than others. I also searched up some of my tags and my photo did NOT show up, even under the new tab. I was wondering what I should do to increase the discoverability, or if there is a guide or something.

thanks for any resonses

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I believe the discoverability, as displayed and calculated is just based on an unsophisticated count of data-points entered.

There are some threads about this and I have decided to kindly disregard the bar, as it does not appear to be really relevant.  

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