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Like many other, I was surprised to have a new Image Manager in front of my eyes!

I like some new features and I miss some old ones!

I am in the process of reviewing my images (I am new in here and only have a couple of hundred pictures!), but after spending a few hours adding keywords to optimise my images, I then hit enter and the keyword is nowhere to be seen, or I wan to delete a keyword and it does not delete, or even worse, the SAVE button is greyed out, grrrrr. I therefore think there must be a bug in the new Image Manager.

Has anybody else experience that? I assume yes, if there is a bug. If I am the only "lucky" one, then I guess I need your help!

Thank you in advance

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  • 1 year later...
3 hours ago, Warhead said:

I have a similar issue and that link takes me at least 33 pages of people discussing the new manager! If I knew the answer I just leave it here. Perhaps I'm weird! 

That's partly because the thread is now over a year old.


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