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Manage Images New version shows the following sign

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This is the message I get when I click on 'Use the New Version" Using IE


Alternate HTML content should be placed here. This content requires the Adobe Flash Player. Get Flash


I have Flash installed. This only started to do this in the last three days.


Must have changed some settings in IE but I can get access when I use Chrome ...


I only do my key wording on the Laptop (while lying down!!) all other stuff works on my workstation.


I do  remember having to change some settings in IE for a security reason but can not quite remember what I did :wacko:

Oh...  the old version shows the same sign as well




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Try going to "tools" > "manage add-ons ". Wait for them to load and then under "Adobe" enable "Shockwave Flash Object".


and/or click the tolls "cogg" at the right of the your browser bar > select "safety" and uncheck "ActiveX filtering" (if it is checked).

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