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Here is a license for usage that concerns me with its unlimited duration. How can this be RM with no timeframe mentioned for use? Isnt this another morphing of RM/RF licensing schemes by Alamy?



Country: Worldwide
Usage: iQ sale: Single company - multiple educational editorial use only
Industry sector: Education
Start: 25 May 2016
Duration: Unlimited for duration of licence $ 149.00  


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Here is the Alamy reply....Note they dont even mention the unlimited timeframe that was the point of my inquiry.


"No, we’re not selling RM images as RF.


The license we’re selling controls the usage of the image, it can only be used in an editorial educational context. There are no advertising, broadcast or consumer goods rights associated with this license (unlike a RF license).


You’ll be making more money under this deal. We’ve looked at how these customers are using images and we’ve analysed their activity over the last 3-4 years. We’ve increased our prices on average for these new deals by over 60%; and this reflects the fact that an image could be re-used.  Our analysis shows that there’s less than 5% chance that an image will be used more than once."

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