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different release forms and what needs to be released

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anyone know


a: which releases alamy accepts. there are a great many  Like the ones that come with the snapwire release app


b: Eyem seem to accept most of the pix without a release that alamy turn down for commercial use [and eyem checks them too] any thoughts on this as it seems like 2 standards eyem says for instance, a property only needs to be released if its the MAIN focus of the pic, and their catalog bears this out.


pls note i do know about using them with editorial license



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A) I think they are pretty flexible, in the end it is about YOU covering YOUR back.


- For smartphone app releases "Easy Release" come highly recommended.

- For proper paper releases big G's releases (both MRs and PRs) are used a lot and come in many different languages.


B) Different agencies are more or less strict, it is difficult to give an exact answer for any agency as it depends on how the image is actually used in the end (as well as which part of the world it is going to be used). 


The best you can do is to get releases to the greatest extent possible as it add considerable value in many cases. Then be honest if you have them or not as needed and required by the agency. The rest is up to the buyer to decide.

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A) I think they are pretty flexible, in the end it is about YOU covering YOUR back.


- For smartphone app releases "Easy Release" come highly recommended.

- For proper paper releases big G's releases (both MRs and PRs) are used a lot and come in many different languages.


B) Different agencies are more or less strict, it is difficult to give an exact answer for any agency as it depends on how the image is actually used in the end (as well as which part of the world it is going to be used). 


The best you can do is to get releases to the greatest extent possible as it add considerable value in many cases. Then be honest if you have them or not as needed and required by the agency. The rest is up to the buyer to decide.



thanks for that, i will check out the big g releases today .


The "Easy Release" are indeed popular however  the completely free snapwire release app comes with several popular templates like getty and a few other what they call industry standards so im hoping it will work for alamy, eyem will not take anything except there own paper release and emailed release forms from the model, and you dont even know that they take paper releases till you ask them....but then there web site has lots of confusing stuff .


i just searched big g releases, no results, then it occurred to me that u meant getty.....duh ...at least my brain still works when it gets warmed up

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if anyone's interested i just get this email today from Alamy


Hi Mark,

We've got sample release forms on our site, but you're free to use your own format including some of the digital model release Apps available.

Releases are legal documents between yourself and the model or property owner, so whatever format you use you need to ensure its legally binding and happy it protects you and your interests.

If you're in doubt then we'd recommend speaking to a lawyer.

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