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Problem with Stockimo upload from iPad Air 2 with ios9.3

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There appear to be quite a few bugs being reported about Apple ios9.3. Indeed, the Apple Community site is reporting that it has been withdrawn pending a revised version.


It seems to be ok so far on my iPhone 5, but I appear to have lost the ability to upload to Stockimo from my iPad Air 2. After selecting an upload from my photo library it presents a list of my image folders but with no images associated with them. The only option after that is to cancel.


Anybody else experiencing this and/or have any suggestions?


ps. Yes, I have turned it OFF and ON again:)

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Many thanks for the suggestion Lisa. I did just that, and got a very prompt and comprehensive reply from the Stockimo team.


Their bottom line was that I was the only one to have reported this particular fault (although something similar did occur with IOS 7 which should hopefully be fixed in the Stockimo v1.5 release within the next couple of months), so it has been duly logged. 


I was also reminded that the Stockimo app is designed for the iPhone, so its unlikely that errors concerning its' use on the iPad would be allocated any priority unless a quick/easy fix was foreseen. Fair enough.


The best advice, which I'd already taken to heart, was to always hold back from upgrading software until the introductory snags have been sorted out. With hindsight, I really should have known better!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have a similar problem on an iPad Pro with the folders showing no images.  I use my ipad for uploading as it's easier to keyword on a larger device, all the photos are taken on an iPhone.  I'm even finding the app clunky on the iPhone recently, for example, when I try and upload from my photostream album it doesn't show the same photos as when you look at the photostram album in the photos app. I'm sure it'll all work out with a few upgrades!

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