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QC failures showing on images that have previously passed QC

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Hi, I haven't used Alamy for a while due to work commitments and I've noted that  it's had a revamp. I'm curious as to why some of my images that have passed QC years ago suddenly are showing failed QC on them. I've sold some of them through Alamy so even more confused. 

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Yes, as related this is confusing. Yet to my recall there have been no changes to Alamy that would easily explain this.


We need some more information to help:


Looking at the submissions column on the left hand side of "Alamy Image Manager", you will see each of your submissions


Q1. Can you confirm whether or not that the sold images come from a batch that failed QC?


Q2. Did you resubmit some of the images in a later batch, were these the images that sold?






Edited by Mr Standfast
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Ok now I understand, Where before the update my submissions showed as a list red or green depending if you passed QC then you had to click on the link to see images and why you failed now the image manager shows the images as well with reason on the one page. Sorry it completely threw me. Luckily all my new images have passed.

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