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Newbie can't sync Alamy Bridge Plugin to site

David Mutlow


Hi I’ve been out of photography for sometime and looking to return to stock photography.
I’ve repurchased the plugin because I couldn’t find the original file.
Its working fine on my Lightroom Classic the correct key is installed all is latest software.
My problem is that I can’t get the smart collection folder that has Alamy in it, to connect to Alamy and mirror what I have on their site.
Can you assist?


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2 answers to this question

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Have you added your Alamy signin to the Plugin?


In the LR plugin manager (File/Plugin Manager) in LR complete the email/password/and Plugin licence boxes.


Then test retrieving data from Alamy:


  • Select an image in LR that you know is in Alamy
  • Click Export
  • Click Fetch Alamy Metadata
  • Click login
  • In download settings choose "Selected" in Fetch data for ....
  • Hit export

That should retrieve the Alamy data for the one selected image. Note that the plugin matches on Filename - so if you hold Raw files on LR with the camera generated name and submit .jpgs  to Alamy with a different name you won't get a match. If that's your problem post again.


If retrieving one record works, you can change the Fetch data parameter to all and let it run.





Edited by Russell
Clarification on matching
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The fetch date parameter is getting blocked by the info below...


In the 'Upload to Alamy' box... I am Running into a problem... 'Scale to Megabytes' box is missing in my plugin...

Have you come across this issue before?


at the bottom it says... 'Unable to Export: You should use Scale to Megabytes filter ' yet the dialog box is not there. Yet it is visable when I follow the youtube link.


Will be doing a fresh install and try again...



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