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Glad to receive a feedback on my pictures


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Hello all,

my name is fred and i'm from Naples, a crowded but very poor area in south of italy.

i'd be glad to receive some critiques on my portfolio.

i love to shoot historic landmark in my hometown, hoping that someone needs pictures for describing the revenge of my town


thank you



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Hi, looking at your captions and keywords may I assume English is not your first language?  I would suggest you put all of your captions in clear English, perhaps with a “repeat” in another language if that is your market.  My guess, and I could be wrong, is that most searches are in English.


it may be my iPad or my eyes but some of your images look overexposed to the point of near blown out in places.  Likewise a lot of your images do not “pop” and need better post processing. 


The segment you appear to ar to be aiming for is highly competitive and you need to perhaps think of upping your game to get those sales.  

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thanks very much for the feedback, Ian.

i'll try to improve my post processing capabilities (i think i can recover clipping most of the times),

and in short time will translate all the caption.


od you think of other improvements for upping the game? or do you think i should change segment?


anyway, you gave me a lot of homework ;)

thank you



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thank you David,

i'm using lightroom but trying hard (maybe a little bit too much) to not oversaturate colours.


maybe that the first photos in my portfolio are very old, and several years ago digicam had a smaller dynamic range &/or saturation.


anyway given the two comments regarding poor "pop" of my images, i definitely need to push a little bit that contrast, saturation and clarity slider ;)


thank you!

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the photo  of San Vito lo Capo beach looks good  it has good colors when am looking at my photos now and then I see some that are two flat  thats more to do with the overall lighting for that day then any post prossening   try shooting only on days with good light am living in scotland the light can be all over the place in one day sometimes  it would be better to shoot after 15.00 in the summer in Scotland 

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Thanks John,

true to be told i've always felt that the San vito lo capo picture, herebelow, have too much strong and saturated colours, so if you all thinks that the colours are right i definitely need to recalibrate my standard about colour saturation  😀



thank you all


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