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Hello I am new


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I am new to photography and I am excited to be here.

I posted a few pictures to get started.

I am just starting to learn how to use the camera.

I have a Canon EOS Rebel T7i.

I also installed Gimp 2.8 software that I am beginning to learn how to use.

I simply used the automatic settings for these pictures and did not edit them.

Please feel free to critique any photos I post. I would appreciate all the help I can get.

I live in Houston, TX, but I travel all over the US for work.

Thank You

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You have run into a very common mistake in the Image Manager. You didn't unselect the bridge so that caption and tags went on all the images. Good captions and tags are essential if you want any sales. That is how people find your images. Look carefully at the Alamy instructions and also pay attention to what other contributors are doing. I think you have a nice sense of composition but post processing will help make your images more eye-catching.  I know there is a lot to learn. Just take it one step at a time.



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