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Kent Johnson

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    Photography, art, travel


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  • Joined Alamy
    17 Jan 2020

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  1. The iron balustrade https://www.tdphotography.us/Travel-Near-and-Far/i-FZ9C8rv/A Foreground right - lichen and rocks https://www.tdphotography.us/Travel-Near-and-Far/i-77KxzXS/A I sometimes find myself scratching my head over my fujifilm X series files of similar subject matter. Have only raw converted one Sony file - using the Sony RAW converter quite recently. Not mine, client sent, for me to match my own Nikon files). Preferred my Nikon files - and one frame, from one photographer hardly counts, but I did get an idea of the Sony RAW file.
  2. PSS - I'm looking at your landscapes on your website and think I'm seeing unusual demosaicing artifacts - are you shooting Fuji X series and processing RAW files in Non-Fuji X software? Worth looking at that too if my hunch is right.
  3. Keep it very simple. Sharp in the center of the image and no softness on the edges - so choose shots made with your best lenses! I fought back over an edge softness issue once, in my early days here on Alamy and won; but that was NOT on my first QC, which is like a job application. Don't show off, just good quality to the verge of boring. PS - the deer looks over processed to me too. 'Softness' may be the only choice the person had, or thought of.
  4. Very low $$$ Country: Worldwide Usage: Editorial, For Editorial use on customers website, app and social media platforms (excludes Advertising) Media: Website, app and social media Start: 03 September 2024 Duration: Unlimited I'm not registered for distribution so I don't really understand how a picture that starts at $70 (or $35 in a package) sells for $1.77 then Alamy takes 80%. How does that actually happen?
  5. If you go to Measures, All of Alamy you can do a 12 month search. I checked for Barcelona Spain couple shopping and there were no searches for that 'string' in the past 12 months. And yes, I tend toward dark over light when editing. I'm calibrated by the way so I am seeing my pictures correctly but I too, when seeing them in a grouping with other shots wonder if I should lighten them up. Thanks for the feedback. PS I like that one dark... but what about buyers?
  6. If you look at your Alamy 'Measures' page, well, when I look at mine, I would say 90+ % of searches were for 100 views (everyones) only- That is One Page (maybe not page 1 maybe they jumped in at page #? somehow - also All or Editorial etc). I've been looking at these numbers for some years now - So for any search, single word, two words or a search string of many words, 100 is the most common number - that is one page of pictures. If there is say, 1200 it will usually be simple search like Rome, Italy where there are multiple people searching, this is also detailed in the numbers and probably returns a viewing number close to 100 pictures, or one page per search!
  7. "assigning an initial handicap value" this is very important. I think my pictures are ranking quite well but getting to the first page for a 2 word general search is my goal. Regardless of popularity of the subject matter. Most searches are for one page (100) and only occasionally 200 or more. If you are not on page one, game over. I don't see much evidence of revised searching in Measures either . Moving up and not down in the rankings is obviously essential. As the shampoo advert in the 1980s claimed "it won't happen overnight but it will happen" - got to hope so, and work towards that goal. I go though my measure every day at the moment, removing wrong keywording, adding fresh ones to no-show images that should have appeared.
  8. Where have you guys found this important secret information? I'm trying to work this stuff out and it is driving me a little crazy - though, to be fair I was a bit crazy to start with!
  9. Hi from Australia, good to see an Australian beer in your portfolio!
  10. Yes, I was very surprised. My background of keywording for blogs and website SEO tells me that repeated information is the death knell for any additional pictures - so yes, really surprised, but this is apparently not the case for Stock here at Alamy; though I do note that very large collections, say 50 to 100 similar images don't all remain at the top of 'All' images. Thanks for the feedback - I will keep your positive experiences in mind.
  11. Not only does my research on captions and tagging seem to show no negative effects for uploading sets of similar images with the same caption and tags. What I am seeing seems to suggest this method of uploading to have a positive effect on the images position and page rank. I'm quite surprised to see this happening, I would have thought custom tagging to deliver a superior result but it looks like volume wins with regards to captions and tags. Does anyone else have any insight into this phenomenon? I've been doing a lot of work on tags and captions since Alamy gave us the tagging seminar a month or two ago. And paying a lot of attention to what turns up in tag/keyword searches.
  12. To my mind, Alamy offering Prints for sale via their own print shop moves them from being my agent looking out for the best price, to a print retailer - without having to purchase the pictures to sell. It's a conflict of interest. A week ago lowest price on Alamy for a 360-degree panorama was $300-400 now it's $20. The only reason I allowed Personal use on 360s was it was still a good price - this ability to control personal usage Via the buyers contract with Alamy has been stripped away. Once a prints high resolution file is contractually allowed to be used for personal printing, there is no way I can ever edition a print. While big $$ for an 'art' picture are always elusive, this change at Alamy makes any picture for sale here commercially unavailable for editioning - though genuine commercial use, like a billboard or an advert would have no impact on the ability to edition the same image. How do I know the 'Editorial' images will not be sacrificed to the Print shop too, in the future, when my picture agent has a conflict of interest in the house.
  13. This is what it is all about - a Print shop, your copyright burnt to the ground for a couple of $$ - and they will take 80% too of my $$ at the moment. As a side note - this picture was nearly $300 (or was it 395) minimum sale price before this, and that included Personal Use/Print option. It's gone from $300/400 to $20 overnight!
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