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Don't really understand this . Is it good or bad . Do I need to do something


 Period : 01 Jul 2013 to 06 Jul 2014 

Total views for Paul Chambers: 10,548 
Total zooms for Paul Chambers: 71 
Total CTR for Paul Chambers: 0.67 
Average CTR for Paul Chambers: 0.22 
Top performing pseudonym: PAUL CHAMBERS LANSDSCAPE IMAGES (CTR: 0.76) 
Last month average CTR on Alamy: 0.49

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If the average for all contributors was 0.49 then Total zooms for Paul Chambers: 71 and Top performing pseudonym: PAUL CHAMBERS LANSDSCAPE IMAGES (CTR: 0.76) are both above average. These are the figure in the month.


Average CTR for Paul Chambers: 0.22 is, I believe, a cumulative total which is below average.



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