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46 minutes ago, M.Chapman said:

That's the metric I usually use too. As stated above;

My Alamy portfolio of around 5,700 images generated a total net revenue of $910 in 2023, giving a net return of about $0.16/image/year

How is it different from my? From my post above, during 2023 my portfolio of ~3300 images (the number at the beginning of 2023) generated $1100 net. Reflects the nose-diving of my Alamy performance that started in the second half of 2022.

In contrast, the JIG's metric accounts for a sum of 2 agencies and factors for expenses. Which indeed we all do as well but not as a pure RPI for a single agency/time cycle.

Edited by IKuzmin
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13 minutes ago, M.Chapman said:
28 minutes ago, IKuzmin said:

How is it different from my?

I don't think it is different. I think it's the same as yours.




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On 25/07/2024 at 18:53, IKuzmin said:

These are my RPI values calculate in the conventional way ($net for a year divided by the number of images in portfolio at the beginning of that year):

Year RPI
2016 1.048923
2017 1.085627
2018 0.813563
2019 0.73939
2020 0.594491
2021 0.607785
2022 0.624797
2023 0.332817


Interesting. Pretty constant for three years and then a big drop in 2023. 

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On 26/07/2024 at 16:39, M.Chapman said:

I don't think it is different.

minor difference;

I use # images submitted, not # images selected,

assumes my editing skills are stable...


My [$$net 2023/images submitted lifetime] (not # selected lifetime) = ~32 cents.
So 2024 back-to-back cruises “costly” overhead ~$9500 will take 10 yrs to cover
after which stock $$ will be profit, with total submission = ~3175 cruise images.
More accurate estimate would be based on most recent 12 months.
Indications are 2023 was bottoming out year – 2024 looking better…?

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