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Checking of photo tags

Nigel Sawyer

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Would it be possible to add some form of "decision support" (for want of a better term) to Alamy for the tagging of images?


My main interest is nature, especially macro and there are a couple of obvious "errors" that contributors make.  An image can be of a butterfly or a moth, it cannot be both so if both tags are used this could be highlighted to a user and another would be a spider cannot be an insect (although it may have an insect as prey).


Another great example would be the use of the tag lemur (on the photo of a moth) but the location was not Madagascar (where all lemurs live).


Such as system would no doubt take time to develop but would improve the data/ tags given by contributors on Alamy - mistakes happen and we all do it but a reminder of potential errors would be a useful tool to develop.


Nigel Sawyer










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