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Aul Zitzke

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    21 Sep 2018

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  1. Thank you very much. Then I´ll have to make some changes in my existing keyword management.
  2. Hi Forum, what do think about keyword variations like "graze" and "grazing"? Would you recommend to use both forms or would it be enough just to choose one of it? For example a customer search contains the words: "Sheep graze on a pasture" In case, I only take the form "grazing" could my image be found in the search results? What is your opinion about singular and plural forms? If you have an image showing an assortment of fresh vegetables. Do I need both keywords "vegetable" and "vegetables" Another example: "closeup" close-up" "close" On Adobe Stock there are keyword suggestions with both singular and plural, "closeup" and "close-up" but is this really necessary? Thank you in advance.
  3. I don´t think that Alamy represents the whole stock market. There are great differences between the stock agencies. Alamy is the so called "macro stock", but is that true? I have really nice rewarding at another agency, which is actually called "micro stock", but altogether micro stock is much more profitable for me and I don´t need 10000+ images to have a relevant income.
  4. This only refers to copyright registration, which only applies in the US, but of course they're separate matters- as we all know copyright susbists irrespective of registration. Alamy is a British agency so British copyright law would apply. IMO whether copyright even subsists in an AI image is a very different question in the US and Europe as the US doesn't have the concept of "intellectual creation" which derives from EU law and is incorporated in the CDPA in the concept of originality. Alamy is only interested in the contract. It's not its job to decide what is protected by copyright and what isn't. Quote from another forum thread by the user "spacecadet"
  5. Hi Marianne, no, I´m not using Adobe Firefly, yet. I did the font designs on my own, they are not made with generative AI. Greetings.
  6. These are the rules on Adobe Stock: "Any content created with generative AI tools that depicts, is based on, or is intended to portray an identifiable person requires a model release. For example, if you upload a photo of a real person as a prompt, name a specific individual in the prompt, or include prompt keywords intended to instruct the generative AI tool to draw a real person. If the generative AI content was not based on a real person, but it visually appears to resemble a person, then you must submit a property release confirming that you have all property rights in the content. " https://helpx.adobe.com/stock/contributor/help/generative-ai-content.html So, if you have an image that depicts no real person, then you need a property release (no model release!) to explain that the image has been made with generative AI.
  7. Hi Mrrrky, I can only give you a general answer. The model release section is an optional information, it is not mandatory. So if you don´t have a model release, then ignore it (normally I would prefer editorial use, but in this case it is not possible). I also sell AI generated images, but I avoid uploading images with recognizable people, fictional or not. Anyway, on Adobe Stock model releases are required, even for AI generated images. Otherwise you get the images rejected. Best regards 🙂
  8. I tested it and you are right. I searched for one of my images on Alamy and then clicked on my contributor link. After that I got to the portfolio page (2). 😐 When customers can´t see the edited portfolio page, then it is rather useless for me.
  9. I saw that there are several links to my portfolio page: 1. Portfolio - Public view 2. Portfolio Link in the Forum 1) Is the portfolio page which is linked in the dashboard and can be edited by sorting the images. 2) Is the portfolio page linked in the forum (can´t be edited, latest uploads on top) Now I ask you: Which portfolio page is shown to the customers? I want the edited portfolio page visible to the customers and not the unsorted portfolio page linked in the forum. 😧
  10. I get Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom for free since 2019 (for stock contributors that meet the requirements) 😊
  11. Yes, you are right, you have to be patient on Alamy. With a small portfolio you will have only few sales, same here. At the moment I am very busy with extending my portfolio, have to upload 1500 images, but it costs so much time to put in the keywords and descriptions. In 2022 I did nothing at all on Alamy, I focused on Adobe Stock. On Adobe all is fine, but Alamy was not bad either, it´s just another target group. Thinking that your works are not ok, is the biggest mistake, when the earnings are low. Just keep in mind that there are 350.000.000 images on Alamy and it is very hard nowadays. It gets better, the more images you have in your portfolio, on Alamy as well as in the other agencies. Best regards 😊
  12. Moin Jan, you have a small, but very interesting portfolio. Did you have further sales in the last months? I also recognized that Alamy primarily seems to be an agency for editorial images, so I will now focus on editorials, too. Greetings from Bremerhaven 😀
  13. Since the beginning in 2018 I sold a lot of font designs, especially gold and silver letters. In both agencies Adobe Stock and Alamy these were my best selling images. I never thought there would be such a great demand and so I went on making more and more font effects over the years. I have one silver alphabet which has been sold 743 times on Adobe Stock, there were daily downloads for a long time, sometimes twice a day and it is still selling nowadays. I also have a huge collection of single alphabet letters, on lucky days customers buy complete alphabet sets, which means I sell 26 licences for every 26 letters of the alphabet. 😊 I am rebuilding my portfolio on Alamy at the moment, many photos and illustrations haven´t been uploaded, yet and I´m curious about AI generated content, whether it sells or not.
  14. The main argument of the artist group seems to be that AI generators have been trained with images from stock agencies. The companies behind those AI generators argue that AI only takes excerpts and could be considered as "transformative" enough not to violate copyright laws. In Germany it is called "Schöpfungshöhe" (= threshold of originality). It means that the works are independent from the original material. Like a collage, for example a portrait of a dog made with generative AI: The dog nose is taken from one image (and transformed), the fur, the ears and the legs are taken from another image etc. And then you have a completely new artistic work. That is also my opinion, but with Adobe Firefly there comes a new generation of AI generators. This new tool has been trained only with data taken from the public domain and should be even safer.
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