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Vector previews from uploaded JPG instead of auto-generated.


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To my great disappointment I noticed that Alamy creates previews from the EPS files, which can create ugly results for EPS10 files. I have a lot of vector files where I've set the raster PPI to "1" since it makes the file MUCH smaller. For instance, I have a really complex file that's 27 MB saved at the default "Medium Resolution", but only about 13 MB when I set PPI to 1.


But even when you're using the default "Medium Resolution" EPS10 turns out quite ugly. Like in this example. The left side is rasterized in Photoshop from the AI6 file and the right side is rasterized from the EPS10 file with transparency settings set to "Medium Resolution". 


How about adding the possibiliy to upload a JPG image (along with the EPS) file that's being used to create the preview on the site? Most other sites work that way, and that way the contributors always know that the preview will look good.

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