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    05 Jul 2017

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  1. Following on from a post in another thread: I'm still learning the CTR system, which is giving me a lot of questions. For example, whether it's worth removing perfectly decent keywords due to false positives, or whether it's worth uploading images at all if I don't think they'll often be used when they show up, or whether I should upload more than one or two photos of a subject or cull images after they're no longer live news because of the huge negative impact that a single misplaced search could give me if that means 10 views without a zoom. It seems complicated. So, I'm wondering what the experienced contributor's thoughts are on CTR. Do you pay much attention to it? Do you notice an impact on your sales when it goes up or down? Do you delete images that aren't getting zoomed, or is quantity and ignoring CTR the answer?
  2. It depends on what you're shooting: /Stock/ /Live_News/News/ /Live_News/Entertainment/ /Live_News/Sport/
  3. You can also add an already captioned image to your phone and then import the metadata from it to a new template. That way you can see how the fields you normally fill in appear in the app. Also, some fields on different dropdowns are linked, so if you change it on one it changes on the other. It'd be nice to be able to customise them, but I think Press IPTC is abandonware now. Ideally I'd like to see Camera Bits create a mobile version of Photo Mechanic.
  4. Hi Keith, just out of interest, can you elaborate how? From my research on both, it seems like: Shuttersnitch: Send from camera to device, automatically apply metadata, upload Press IPTC: Send from camera to device, automatically apply metadata, upload The only difference I can see is that Shuttersnitch seems to more directly support, for example, EOS Utility whereas Press IPTC can only monitor a folder, but does this not achieve the same outcome? I'm interested as if it truly came to it one day, it might be a reason to jump to iPhone.
  5. MoPhotos appears to require an Eye-Fi card (or that's what the app page says), so it wouldn't be an option if it won't work with wireless transmitters or other transfer methods...
  6. Hello people! I'm looking to improve my live news workflow and just looking to see if there's software or methods to improve on what I have in mind. My goal is to be able to submit fast (minutes, even seconds when really needed) from events, and to that end I'm looking for a camera > FTP workflow. I have wireless transfer capability with my camera setup, so that's fine, but it seems like the best way to do it is to go via a smartphone or other device. (I could go via a laptop, but that's slower and unviable at a lot of events.) A lot of people seem to use Shuttersnitch on iOS, but, I'm on Android. I've come across Press IPTC, which seems like it can take images, automatically add captions, and then submit them, all without any user intevention. Does anyone use this? Is it worth it? (And, I don't suppose Press IPTC supports submitting to multiple FTPs at a time, does it? Wishful thinking...) Any other general workflow advice on the technical side, or alternative apps worth considering, would be appreciated! Thanks. (Do ignore my image totals and submissions to date)
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