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Has anybody finished with their Nikon Coolscan 4000 ED? I'm half way through my library and unfortunately my scanner stopped working and is beyond repair. I'm looking for one to buy that is in full working order and has the Nikon 3 software (works with XP).   please email: hampton789@btinternet.com


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I have a Nikonscan 8000 at a reasonable price, with no software, for anyone who can pick it up in the Toronto Canada area.


When I edited this post I changed "Nikon 4000" to "Nikon 8000". I also have extra cost glass transparency carriers. $750 for a used 4000 sounds kind of high to  me. The 8000 will do 5-35mm at a time, 2- 6X7 at a time,  and anything else shot on 120 film including panoramas.

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I have a Nikon 4000 ED scanner. It is built like the proverbial Sherman Tank but is not all that reliable. My last repair bill two years ago was over $500, and it's now starting to act up again. Does a great job when working properly, though. I imagine they are tough to find these days.

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