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10 day suspension

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Hi everybody,

I just got 10 day suspension from Alamy (Can't upload) and I wonder if it happened to somebody else already? I submitted 2 scans like I did many times before that but I got rejected for "Film rebat / not cropped". Ok, I used the ftp and the illustration went to photo, so I thought it was a mistake, so, from the site I uploaded the same 2 scans but this time I chose illustration instead photo and got rejected for "Film rebat / not cropped" again but along with 10 day suspension? Many old illustrations have margins and Alamy accept them all the time, so, is it a zealous summer staff who block me for 10 days or did I broke a new rule without knowing it?


If you know, let me know

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Difficult to comment without seeing the image.  Can you upload it somewhere (full size) and post a link to it?


I once had an image regected for the same cause but I couldn't see anything wrong with it until I looked very closely at 100%.  I then discovered there was a one-pixel white border all round it.

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there is a 250 pixels margin, it's pretty obvious, but it's also pretty obvious, that it's an illustration delimited by its border so margin is mandatory in such case so cropping it wouldn't make sense since it was intended that way. I uploaded at least 400 other illustrations like that in 4 years without problem and many other contributors did it too, it's why I thought it was summer staff

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25 minutes ago, Jeffrey Isaac Greenberg said:

send a query about it to im@alamy.com (Image Management Department)

sometime their responses are short & unclear but, IMO, most times helpful...



Thats an interesting address.



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