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Inconsistencies in image info when logged out compared to when logged in

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I have just noticed a difference in both the file size info and date taken between when I am logged in and when I am logged out.


For example, I recently photographed a Pacific Gull on 2 June - Image ID: 2XA9E9Y


If logged in it gives the file size as 

File size: 
34.5 MB (1.4 MB Compressed download)
If logged out it just says 1.4 MB (This could be misleading if not understood as compressed).
If logged in the Image ID is displayed, if logged out it is not.
If logged in it says the date taken is 2 June which is correct. If logged out it says the date taken is 3 June which is incorrect.
Is anyone else seeing these discrepancies? I can ask Alamy about it, but I thought I would just check if others are seeing the same thing?
I'm pretty sure these discrepancies didn't exist before. When the info starts to be wrong, such as the date taken, that is a bit concerning.
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I tried it while logged out of everything and I got 1.4 MB jpeg as you did and the date stayed June 2.



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7 minutes ago, NYCat said:

I tried it while logged out of everything and I got 1.4 MB jpeg as you did and the date stayed June 2.




Thanks Paulette. It's weird that the date changes for me. My EXIF data indicates the 2 June so I don't know how it has become 3 June when logged out? 🤔

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Identical (and complete) information for me whether logged in or logged out for your image, both June 2nd. Hard to explain what you are seeing, might be worth mentioning the browser and operating system that you are using (Mac/PC?).

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3 minutes ago, Harry Harrison said:

Identical (and complete) information for me whether logged in or logged out for your image, both June 2nd. Hard to explain what you are seeing, might be worth mentioning the browser and operating system that you are using (Mac/PC?).


Hi Harry, I am using a Mac and Safari. However, I first noticed the difference in file size info on my iPhone when logged out but the date remains correct there. I also have Firefox on my Mac so I looked up the image on that first while logged out and it says 3 June. I was already logged in in Safari on my Mac where it says 2 June. I have now logged out in Safari and it still says 2 June.


So the date changes between Safari and Firefox on my Mac which I find very weird. Once I log in in Firefox it changes correctly to 2 June. I will check some other images but just off to make my dinner now.

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Posted (edited)

Hello again,


I can now confirm everything has been restored to normal. The above image mentioned now has the correct date and the same file size info whether logged in or not.


Every now and then I notice these glitches. Around the time I joined Alamy last September I noticed the date taken info was missing all together and then it came back.


I think it is a case of just waiting a while and things restore to normal, but it's still a mystery as to why the date taken would change when it was in the original EXIF data.


Anyway, the universe is back to normal for now.



On further investigation if I log out of Firefox and close the application and reopen it, it says the 3 June again. I think this is one of the weird discrepancies I have found in viewing Alamy from Australia. I have found a few of these discrepancies now. I am too tired to follow it up right now, but I will contact Alamy at some point to clarify.


All the dates are out from the images I have looked at. They are a day ahead in the logged out version (when Firefox has also been closed and re-opened). It doesn't even make sense if this was meant to account for the time difference between Australia and the UK, as we are ahead in time here not behind. Also we are only 7 hours ahead, so less than a third of the day would involve a different date. It's weird.

Edited by Sally Robertson
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I wonder if it's related to the Microsoft Year 1900 issue? Some systems store date and time as the number of seconds since 1/1/1900. Unfortunately some systems incorrectly assumed that 1900 was a leap year, resulting in a 1 day discrepancy. This inconsistency still exists in Excel https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/office/troubleshoot/excel/wrongly-assumes-1900-is-leap-year I recently ran into it when using an Excel spreadsheet to analyse DMARC reports and found the same Excel spreadsheet gave a 1 day difference in dates when opening it in another spreadsheet program (maybe Open Office?).



Edited by M.Chapman
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Hi Mark, yes, possibly that’s it. It’s weird though that it reverts to the correct date once logged in but perhaps this inconsistency is similar to what you describe with the Excel spreadsheet.


While it probably doesn’t matter much in most situations, there are times a contributor will be photographing an event on a specific date and will have put that in the caption. Whatever Alamy is doing is changing what’s in the EXIF data and that may be confusing to potential customers if the Date Taken field contradicts the caption. It would be the most problematic with Live News. It’s good it changes once logged in though.


I’m busy the next couple of days then away for 11 days, but will see if it’s the same when back and just query Alamy with screen shots to see if they can explain why it’s happening.

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