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If you want an insight into the thinking of EASA (European Aviation Safety Agency) on the possible nature of the legal and regulatory environment  relating to using drones, commercially and recreationally,  in the UK and Europe over the next few years, have a read of this:

https://www.easa.europa.eu/sites/default/files/dfu/Opinion No 01-2018.pdf




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KM. Given your newly acquired expertise in this area, can you give us a broad indication of the direction of travel indicated by this substantial document? My scan through the document seems to suggest that it is aimed at making things more restrictive for casual drone flyer in the EU and UK, but I know little about how things stand now. Can you summarise the main points of interest?


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11 hours ago, Russell said:

EU gobbledegook at its best. And we're paying for it!

EASA's budget in 2016 was 162M euro. That's about 0.3 euro per head of EU population. The CAA's was £132M. That's about £2.50 a head of UK population. Just like our pictures, there's a discount for volume.

Anyway, it's probably a good idea to have some rules governing drone flying, don't you think?

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Very interesting link, 
thank you for sharing.
I was just about to book the school for the pfco for next month, now I believe I'll better wait.
In any cases a unified body of rules for the EU would be a huge step forward: European countries are tiny and the way things are at the moment, with different rules for each country, do not encourage drone activity at all.
Also I never really understood the logic behind the actual rules: for the same vehicle you need a licence (or permit) if you do "commercial activity", otherwise you don't (!) 

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