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Favourite images uploaded - Feb 2018


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Three photos taken years ago (2008) in The Philippines when I'd never even heard of stock photography with my old Nikon D50 which thanks to better software and and post-processing skills, I have now been able to upload.


A man buying mangoes:




Serving out a meal in Guimbal (Iloilo Provence)



The paradise that is Boracay


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It's very early early in the month to be talking about favourites, but I took my camera to work on Monday and spent a very pleasant lunch hour walking around Llandaff Cathedral which is only five minutes' walk away. I've pointed my camera at it so often it's easy to retake the same shots so this time I deliberately set out to find new angles. Got about fifteen uploads out of it. Spring is not far away and there are a couple of spectacular magnolia trees in the grounds. Plenty more opportunity there.





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A little tiger...



M1YR78  Two month old Bengal Tiger in the Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve, India



A big tiger....



M1YR98  Two year old Bengal Tiger in the Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve.



And a bird....



M1YR87  Eurasian Stone-culew in Bandhavgarh National Park, India



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These things again...thanks to Bryan I know now that they are wind turbine platforms.  They keep popping up in Leith, apparently on their way from Newcastle.  A couple of weekends ago we saw two of them being towed by a tug far out in the North Sea from the Aberdeenshire coast.  Presumably there is a huge wind farm being built somewhere up North. i liked the juxtaposition of the towers behind the roof of a 17th century merchants house in Leith.


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4 hours ago, NYCat said:


Ohhhh. Perfect Valentine. I'd put Valentine's Day in the keywords. Maybe late for this year but it sure works.



I've got one like that..only of gannets.  They mate for life.


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