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2 hours ago, Bryan said:


Yes thanks John, things could be worse! I've just splashed out £35 (gasp!) on a Pentax 28mm f2.8 lens from Ebay, to replace that which fell apart over the summer. No expense spared in the fight for profit! I've been using an even older Pentax K lens of late, which is as sharp as  a sharp thing in the centre, but produces decidedly dodgy edges, the M lens was better overall. Fingers crossed.


Good to see us oldies doing satisfactorily. Missing the odd chat by e-mail, pity Alamy took away the option.






Be careful! That kind of frivolous spending can easily get out of hand. B)


Yes, the nixing of PMing was odd. Time to bring back pigeon post perhaps.

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My best month this year with 12 sales but it started slowly with nothing until the tenth. Sales picked up slowly and then one of those PU refunds. I hate them. I also had a PU use of a news image I'd submitted of some damage caused by hurricane Irma which was a strange PU in my opinion. As I was becoming frustrated by all this and the low prices, all of a sudden I was lifted off my feet with a billboard use/sale for $1464 which crashed me through last year's total. A feat that I hadn't expected to happen. So final summation is 12 for $1663 and zooms just about holding their own. So keep the faith, you never know who'll hit the jackpot next. ;) 

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11 sales for $464 gross. Hope to hit 5000 images in the next couple of weeks. CTR higher than my average and has been for some weeks.

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1 hour ago, Sultanpepa said:

My best month this year with 12 sales but it started slowly with nothing until the tenth. Sales picked up slowly and then one of those PU refunds. I hate them. I also had a PU use of a news image I'd submitted of some damage caused by hurricane Irma which was a strange PU in my opinion. As I was becoming frustrated by all this and the low prices, all of a sudden I was lifted off my feet with a billboard use/sale for $1464 which crashed me through last year's total. A feat that I hadn't expected to happen. So final summation is 12 for $1663 and zooms just about holding their own. So keep the faith, you never know who'll hit the jackpot next. ;) 


Wow! That's cause to celebrate. It didn't happen to be a cow did it?

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Most sales ever in a month, best month ever for income (except one years ago when the split was 60/40) and lots of 3 figure sales.

Some disappointingly low magazine sales that seem to give unlimited rights for $8, but all in all a very good month.


Add the DACS payout......

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