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How was your July?

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18 for $722.

## worst in 24 months. -38% of 2016 average.

$$ worst in 14 months. -48% of 2016 average.




edit: 7 distributors including the only one of $100+

My 2016 monthly average of distributors was 7.25.

My 2017 monthly average of distributors is 7.86.

- meaning the cliff that my sales have fallen off lies in Abingdon.



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Saved by the Newspapers during July. 5 sales for $100.32 gross with a couple of disappointing prices but still on target to overhaul last years record quantity. Views well up at 3,986 but only 12 zooms. CTR continues to decline!


Jim ;)

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Here's some stats:

16 sales for $699 gross in July.


54 zooms

avg CTR 0.60

tot  CTR 0.47


Overall I'm still down about 50% compared to last year on sales and income.

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After a really good June I expected a car-crash July.

Surprisingly, this didn't happen. 

Equalling the best month in terms of sales volume followed by 3rd best month in terms of revenue (in the last 12 months). Still, only one sale over $100, but not so many really tiny ones.

On a more positive note: I already had 5 August sales drop in for a little over $100.

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19 minutes ago, Bryan said:

Some red marks appearing in this thread, I've no idea why!  Have posted some greenies to eliminate.


Probably disgruntled contributor with zero sales for July.;)


Not me by the way.




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10 hours ago, Bryan said:

18 for $642, better than recent average, possibly on track to match last year.  Some higher fees than of late too, so a modicum of encouragement.


Also sidled  past the 10,000 images mark, it has taken just a tad less than 10 years. Time wasted or a useful exercise? Gives me something to do in retirement, and a little extra cash, but not highly remunerative.


I'm impressed by the number of images you've added over the past couple of years, Bryan. All the work seems to be paying off even if you're not getting rich. Are you sure you're retired? I just seem to get lazier...

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Despite my post-Fourth of July panic, where I had 0 zooms in about 10 days, things seem to have picked toward the end of the month. My CTR which was down to .19 mid month, is climbing back up, and July ended with slightly lower than average number of sales, but revenue was about half of what it was in June.


All in all, 9 sales for $329 gross.

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Only two sales. The best one was actually one that sold last month and then was refunded and repurchased this month, on the same date and for the same price (go figure).  So really, only one new sale added this month, a product of my skyrocketing surge in zooms last month. Alas my zooms took a nosedive this month, I guess it all evens out in the end.

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13 hours ago, John Mitchell said:


I'm impressed by the number of images you've added over the past couple of years, Bryan. All the work seems to be paying off even if you're not getting rich. Are you sure you're retired? I just seem to get lazier...


Thanks John.  When I started in this game I was fairly conservative over my choice of subject matter, but experience has taught me that some of the most unlikely images sell, and opened my eyes to new possibilities.  The market is much tougher now however, so many good people involved and so many photos! My current feeling is that Live News is the way to make money, but I am genuinely retired and getting up at the crack of dawn in the hope of capturing a sunrise, or attending local events in order to get some newsworthy shots is not for me.  Rather I carry the camera wherever I go, and if an opportunity arises, so be it. Many of my shots have been taken in mainland Europe, where we holiday each year. They don't sell very well, certainly not as well as my collection of UK based shots, or even my relatively small port of subjects from north America. I guess because Alamy does not have an active sales office in Europe, but 10,000 images is a drop in the ocean, and my results might not be representative.

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14 hours ago, Bryan said:


Thanks John.  When I started in this game I was fairly conservative over my choice of subject matter, but experience has taught me that some of the most unlikely images sell, and opened my eyes to new possibilities.  The market is much tougher now however, so many good people involved and so many photos! My current feeling is that Live News is the way to make money, but I am genuinely retired and getting up at the crack of dawn in the hope of capturing a sunrise, or attending local events in order to get some newsworthy shots is not for me.  Rather I carry the camera wherever I go, and if an opportunity arises, so be it. Many of my shots have been taken in mainland Europe, where we holiday each year. They don't sell very well, certainly not as well as my collection of UK based shots, or even my relatively small port of subjects from north America. I guess because Alamy does not have an active sales office in Europe, but 10,000 images is a drop in the ocean, and my results might not be representative.


That's pretty much my modus operandi as well. ^_^

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