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Another rejected image

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I got another rejected image the other day. Reason being Noise,Soft or lacking definition. 

The photo was taken in broad daylight on a sunny day. !/2000 sec, f5.6, ISO 200. The photo looks ok to me, what do others think ?

DSC05829 copy 2


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Obviously you were focusing on the far objects and letting the frame of the boat (ferry?) go soft, but the background doesn't seem very sharp to me. What kind of focus area did you set? Is it possible you had an area of focus points and it focused on the near water? or boat vibrations?

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Even though the image was rejected for the reasons given and without seeing a 100% crop, as Alan says, I think it is an image that was well seen and very worthy of being captured.



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16 hours ago, GS-Images said:

Firstly, without seeing the actual jpg you posted it's hard to be sure.

It also looks like it was quite noisy and it's been removed, then sharpened a lot to counter the softness caused by noise removal.




It would help to see the original jpg file to give a more accurate opinion.

And that.

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25 minutes ago, liverpix said:

This was the jpeg I sent to Alamy. So it was judged on this. Ill have a look for the original jpeg.


Sent to Alamy at  2048 x 1421 px ?



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It looks OK from a distance, but when I looked at your colour jpg at 100%, the ship and buildings were soft and a little blurred.  As you had a fast shutter speed, perhaps the softness was due to camera shake or problems with the focusing. 



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I'm with Maria. It's a bit off, even in the centre. I don't know your processing- too much luminance NR might do it but why would you use any?- but I use a kit lens like yours with no problems except the odd focus miss.

GS, my kit lenses are off at the edges, worse than this, but no problem as such with QC.

A resize to the minimum might have got you through especially with a RAW. I might also have upped the sharpening in this borderline case, but not on a jpeg.

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I think you should be able to read the roman numerals on the clock face. If you can it could be my laptop display, I'll have another look on my shiny screen downstairs. To me it's just off. I would probably have submitted it with my special processing sauce. But as I said not from a jpeg. You all taught me that lesson and I haven't forgotten it.

Edit: no, still off. There's also an acutance effect (I had to look that up, it's been a while) around dark-light transitions which looks like a processing artifact to me, as if clarity has been dialled right up.

Seems unlikely that an experienced contributor would make processing errors, though. My kit lens is OK at 5.6, but maybe this would have passed at 8-11? It certainly didn't need to be 2000th. at 200ISO.

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4 hours ago, GS-Images said:

I honestly wonder if our browsers are rendering things differently somehow? It's possible.

The colour image posted here doesn't have colour space embedded, so yes.

At full size, it's not as sharp as it could be for me. Might have passed if it were downscaled though.

The transition from dark to light would be an issue for me.

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15 minutes ago, KTC said:

The transition from dark to light would be an issue for me.


You mean the purple fringing which is quite evident around the top and right-hand side of the "window"?

I'm guessing this might be partly why the liverpix converted it to greyscale rather than submitting the original colour image. 

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What I meant was this:




Maybe I'm paranoid but I worry about this kind of thing failing QC in my photos and would try and remove the slight purple edge. Whether this counts as CA, I'm afraid this is where my knowledge probably falls short, but to my eyes, I see a slight purple edge.


BTW .. hope OP doesn't mind us discussing his image like this. Have to say, I do really like the image.

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It certainly looks sharp in the centre so I have no real problem there. I do see some noise in the shadows which may be a problem for Alamy however over all I like the content and if it could be downsized would probably make the grade.

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8 minutes ago, GS-Images said:


Maybe it just looks blue on the uncalibrated monitor I'm using right now, but the colour still matches the blue frame on the inside, if you look lower down on the right. I still do agree though that I would remove that, as it doesn't look great and obviously could be considered unacceptable fringing.




That isn't fringing, that is the window frame.




Have to admit, I don't think the frame is painted blue:




Are we back to 'what colour is the dress? :P




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I may be wrong, but the impression I get from the OP's first post and image is that he submitted this image in B&W. if that is correct, whether there is color fringing or not is a moot point. So the rejection would be for other reasons.


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8 minutes ago, Betty LaRue said:

I may be wrong, but the impression I get from the OP's first post and image is that he submitted this image in B&W. if that is correct, whether there is color fringing or not is a moot point. So the rejection would be for other reasons.


We've gone off at a bit of a tangent. A colour fringe in b/w might show as this Mackie line effect which I suggested might betray over-processing. I really meant around the edges of the buildings in the background.


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