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What would you do ? UPDATE

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On the old Forum I posted a situation where an image had been 'bought' without any © details attached by a large picture library when they acquired a much smaller one - how the image arrived in the smaller library is a mystery - it was not placed there by me. 


However the large library licensed the image to which they had no rights whatever for several hundred usages - effectively devaluing it. In fact they were also an innocent party as they had obtained the library and its content in good faith. A variety of suggestions were made by forumites as to the best course of action - this is what actually transpired:


I placed the matter in the hands of ImageRights who negotiated with the large library and obtained a good sized settlement release agreement which included a blanket agreement covering the several hundred customers who had 'bought' a license for its use - I would not have been able to arrange an SRA to cover a complex situation like this - in spite of the large library's intention to put matter right.


So passing this on - if you find that a library is selling licenses to your images without authority (AND IT IS WELL WORTH CHECKING - because of the complexities of the numerous take-overs in the past)  take advice from an outfit that can 'dot all the i's and cross all the t's'  it is worth their percentage for the peace of mind.


Names are omitted for two reasons - the big library acted in good faith, and was anxious to settle in the same way - and the SRA does contain an element of'confidentiality'.......


I know it is not a question - but it is an update to a question asked a few months ago......

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Thanks for sharing this useful, detailed info about handling copyright infringement, DavidC, and it's great to read about such situation that ends fairly for photographer.

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Sorry in response to a query - I can't/won't give specific details - the forum is viewed by a massive number of 'guests' many of whom have other interests - I'm sure most of the members understand the reasoning behind this......

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