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Tracker Ball Fix

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And so it came to pass that my trusty Logitech Trackerball started to behave intermittently sluggishly.


In its youth it could fling the cursor across the screen, but it was showing signs of age, and, on occasion, refusing to move at more than a crawl. I applied my normal fix, cleaned the ball and the housing. It looked better and was no longer horribly sticky to the touch, but all this had no effect on the cursor movement.


Thinking that it was perhaps time to retire this venerable bit of kit, I considered the purchase of a new trackerball. The very thought of expenditure quickened the pace of my brain, and, instead, I visited the Logitech web site and downloaded the latest driver, along with an extra piece of software claiming to improve the performance of the device when using Chrome. 


It worked.  Maybe a Windows 10 issue?

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