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Hello from a Canadian in North Carolina


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Hi to everyone. I have just submitted my first 4 images and am waiting for the alamy team to give me the yea or nay. Looking forward to learning the lay of the land in Alamy and the approval process. I do submit to several other stock agencies and I tend to focus on studio work but not of people.

Take care Diana

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Hello Diana,


Welcome to Alamy and all the great people here on the forum.


Just to let you know that Alamy is ONLY interested in the technical quality of your images and NOT the content. So will view your images in a different way to most other stock agencies.



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I just received the approval of my 4 images. I am excited and nervous at the same time...what happens if they reject my next batch? do they tell you wich one and why? Are you blocked from submitting anything for 30 days or just the others in the rejected batch?  How picky are they on intentional blur in camera and the bit of 'noise' within it? LOL lots of questions! Sorry!


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They don't inspect every image on a regular submission and if you fail they will tell you which image caused the fail and why. The 30 days is just the amount of time they take to inform you of the failure and they don't usually do that if you only occasionally fail. Most of the time if you've been "good" they let you know right away and you just need to learn from the failure and carefully inspect all the images before re-submitting them. The people who do the quality control understand depth of field and intentional movement blur and they would usually pass you. At first, I would advise building up a good reputation by only submitting very safe images. And have fun.



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Welcome to Alamy Diana

If you are submitting to other websites also, you will find your Alamy experience very pleasant.

I had my first rejection (only one image failed, but they rejected whole lot as per Alamy policy), after 100 uploads and more 1000 successful images.

Just enjoy your Alamy.

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