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After uploading a couple of images via Stockimo, I thought I'd have a quick look at the 'Stockimo Likes'. To my amazement, I found one of my own images amongst the 'Likes'. I presume that this just means that someone has zoomed my picture when looking at it on Alamy. I guess if I'm lucky, I might find it's sold at some point in the future. But it got me wondering if other people have spotted one of their own images in 'Stockimo Likes' and subsequently had it sell?

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Yes Matt, that's happened a few times for me. But it takes a really long time before they show up on the App as a sale. They wait for the customer to actually pay before they post it to your account. You can do a Google image search to see if it has been used online in a newspaper or magazine website. Also, you can Google your Stockimo User Name followed by "Stockimo/Alamy" and see if your name appears in any book credits for example.


From Stockimo.com:

What are 'Customer Likes'

We tell you what customers like and what they need. The Customer Likes tab has a live feed of photos that customers have bought, clicked on or interacted with in some way. Use it for inspiration or simply bask in the kudos of making it onto the Customer Likes list.
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Yes Matt, that's happened a few times for me. But it takes a really long time before they show up on the App as a sale. They wait for the customer to actually pay before they post it to your account. You can do a Google image search to see if it has been used online in a newspaper or magazine website. Also, you can Google your Stockimo User Name followed by "Stockimo/Alamy" and see if your name appears in any book credits for example.


From Stockimo.com:

What are 'Customer Likes'

We tell you what customers like and what they need. The Customer Likes tab has a live feed of photos that customers have bought, clicked on or interacted with in some way. Use it for inspiration or simply bask in the kudos of making it onto the Customer Likes list.



Searching for my name with Stockimo/Alamy after it yielded some interesting results..


1. My namesake, a Memphis Police Office, got arrested in 2009 for having kiddy porn.

2. I found an instance where Stockimo have shared one of my images with another stock agency.


.. but neither search option yielded anything related to the image that I saw in Stockino Likes :-(

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  • 1 month later...

on searching myself I found a photo of mine on dijitalimaj.com do they work with Stockimo/Alamy?


I believe they are a distributor that Alamy use. In my point 2) above.. it was one of my images on dijitalimaj.com  that I found. I've since realised that Alamy push lots of images through them,

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My photos used to show quite a lot in the customer likes but the last month or so they rarely appear is this something other people find happens to theirs?


I can't say that I've noticed a difference personally.


Stockimo images are up against all of the other images on Alamy (i.e. those not taken with an iPhone and uploaded direct to Alamy via the Alamy website of FTP site). And Alamy have recently changed their thumbnails to show bigger images.. other threads have commented about people seeing a change in the number of views/zooms they received in Alamy as a consequence.. so it could relate to that change.

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