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UK newspaper sale - but which one?

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Any idea which UK newspaper would have yielded this sale?  (Two sales actually but identical wording.)


Country: United Kingdom
Usage: Editorial
Media: Newspaper - national
Print run: up to 2 million
Placement: Inside and online
Image Size: 1/4 page
Start: 01 June 2015
End: 02 June 2015
One use in a single editorial article used within the print and digital versions of a single publication. Digital usage includes archive rights for the lifetime of the article.


There's no online evidence I can find with Google and Tineye reverse image searches and the wording doesn't correspond with any of my other UK newspaper sales.



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Can you post  the image number? I can search the Times website for likely uses, though sadly my copies of the print version from June went to the great recycle bin in the sky weeks ago. 

It was these two, Joseph


DX7CPB Aster x frikartii 'Monch'




and E4364Y Salvia sclarea var. turkestanica




I don't subscribe to the Times so don't have access behind the paywall.

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Sorry to report no sign of these on the Times website. :(

Thanks for trying, Joseph.


Could be The Sun - but that's another paywall and I've no intention of going there.  Still, at least if I can't find the usages the images can't be ripped off.  Every cloud has a silver lining.  (Unless your a pessimist.  In which case every silver lining has a great black cloud hovering right behind.)

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Sorry to report no sign of these on the Times website. :(

Thanks for trying, Joseph.


Could be The Sun - but that's another paywall and I've no intention of going there.  Still, at least if I can't find the usages the images can't be ripped off.  Every cloud has a silver lining.  (Unless your a pessimist.  In which case every silver lining has a great black cloud hovering right behind.)


If there is, you should shoot it. Only 86 results for "black cloud silver lining"  ;)



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